Product Safety

For more than 40 years, Didax has been a trusted brand that educators and parents have depended on with confidence, and we work hard to maintain that trust. The safety and well-being of children is our top priority.

Our products are independently tested and meet or exceed the safety standards for our industry as established by both the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) International. We are constantly in touch with these national safety organizations to ensure we are up-to-date with clear scientific findings and any changes in regulations.

These product safety tests are conducted on an ongoing basis. General Certificates of Conformity as specified by the CPSIA for applicable products are available on-line at

We are fully aware and appreciative of the trust you put in us when you purchase a Didax product, and we hold that trust in the highest regard.

Thank you for your trust and continued support.